22 February 2011

Fingers, Hands, And An Arm

Having run out of all their own qualified faculty members, the folks who organize Campbell Law School's weekly "Coffee Service" asked me to present a short talk today to interested faculty, staff, and students. I've been a visiting professor here since August and have appreciated learning how another law school does its job.

But back to earlier today. Lifting liberally from a sermon preached by Ruffin Alphin, I began with God's finger-work from Psalm 8: "When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers . . . ." Next I commented on some of the many references in the Hebrew Scriptures to the earth as the work of God's hands (Psalm 95:5, Psalm 8:6-8), dominion over which God has given us, and what should be our response to to all this: worship including musical praises. Psalms 8:9 and 92:3-5. Then on to God's work of redemption that Moses described as the work of God's "outstretched arm" in Deuteronomy 26:8.

Why then did God roll up his sleeve, so to speak, to redeem his people from the powers of evil? So that we can stand before him holding the hand of our pleased (if not proud) elder brother Jesus. Hebrews 2:10-13. It was, after all, into God's hands that Jesus surrendered his spirit at his death (Luke 23:45-47) and the touch of Jesus' hand that brings life (Revelation 1:16-18).

A bit of encouragement, I hope.

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