07 May 2012

Between the Individual and the State

Timothy Sherratt posted here about the over-simplified visions of the competing American political parties. On the one hand, the Democrats claim to "value civil society but either privatize it or harness it to their ends, making it, to all intents and purposes, an extension of government." On the other, Republicans "can take their individualist instincts too far." Any examples of the latter? "Social insurance in the context of economic and life cycles." And which Republicans have urged the abolition of Social Security and unemployment insurance? None of which I am aware.

In his efforts to be "fair and balanced," Sherratt has created a one-way straw man. The Republican Party has many faults; check here for an example of what I mean. But there simply is no moral equivalence between commandeering private and religious institutions for statist ends and failing to tax in an equitable manner.

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