22 January 2013


Click here for a link to the registration page for the 8th International Conference on Contracts. I'll be presenting an early working draft (emphasis on "early") of a paper so far titled A Theology of Theories: Why at Least One Religious Account Can Join Together What Contract Theories Have Rent Asunder. I know: too word and a bit pretentious but I'm trying to squeeze in writing with my regular jobs so I'll rework the title after I've figured out what I have to say.

This will be my third time and two other articles have come out of this conference: The Puritan Revolution and the Law of Contracts (abstract here) and Principled Pluralism and Contract Remedies (abstract here). As the title suggests, my current work also focuses on theory and theology.

I've enjoyed the previous conferences in part because the contracts folks who come are open minded and not overweeningly politically correct. Quite a variety of points of view on various matters but fair when it comes to listening to what I've had to say. Can't ask for more.

Hope some of my readers can register and attend or simply get in touch if you'll be in the vicinity of Ft. Worth, Texas come the end of February.

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