24 October 2014


Go here to read a report listing the colleges and universities with the highest student loan default rates. The top (or bottom, depending on how you look at it) are community colleges. Nearly all the rest are are public universities. I'm surprised that the for-profits aren't on the list. (See some earlier posts about for-profit schools and student loans here and here.)

On a brighter note, on Friday I will be attending The Temple Law School Whitford Symposium. The symposium honors one of my University of Wisconsin law professors, Bill Whitford, and features a very strong lineup of presenters in the fields of contracts, bankruptcy, and commercial law generally.

Bill was on the Left even at Wisconsin but, unlike most leftists (and unlike most ideologues on the Rights as well), bill had a great sense of humor and didn't take himself too seriously. In all events, it should be a good time.

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