(Warning: Inside Presbyterian and Reformed baseball.)
... doesn't mean it
isn't true.
I've not reviewed Brad
Littejohn's recently published book, "The Two Kingdoms: A Guide for the
Perplexed" but I'm familiar with it and Brad's thesis: that what today
passes as "Reformed Two Kingdoms" (R2K) theology bears only a limited
resemblance to the historic doctrine. (For a sampling of my comments on R2K
go here or here.) The historic or classical Two Kingdoms
approach was taught by the magisterial Reformers in the sixteenth century and
was part and parcel of confessional Protestantism through the seventeenth
century. R2K, by contrast, is largely a late-twentieth-century construct.
Kyle Dillon has read
Littlejohn's book and you can read his review here. I'd vote it an
excellent summary of the difference between classical Two Kingdoms and R2K.
Here is Dillon's summary of Littlejohn's conclusion:
Several characteristics that
set classical Two Kingdoms apart from R2K: while the invisible church is still tied to the spiritual kingdom, the visible or institutional church belongs mostly to the temporal
kingdom, along with all other realms of human activity. This move has the
effect of “de-sacralizing” church authorities—they are no longer seen as
governors of the spiritual kingdom—and expanding the realm of adiaphora or “things indifferent to salvation” in the church.
Littlejohn sees this as liberating the church from an oppressive precisianism
that demands explicit biblical warrant for every church practice.
Yet Dillon's ultimate
conclusions surprised me. After acknowledging the cogency of Littlejohn's
criticisms of R2K, the fundamental distinction between creation and redemption,
the reality of natural law and the redemptive focus of the Bible, Dillon hastens from the classical Two Kingdoms conclusion that the civil state has substantial claims to govern the outward
conduct of its citizens. In other words, Dillon likes modern Liberalism.
That’s all well and good
but it’s not classical Two Kingdoms theology. In other words, Dillon rejects the view
of the civil magistrate envisioned by Calvin and the un-bowdlerized
Westminster Standards. Dillon may be right: Calvin, the magisterial Reformers,
and everyone but for the Anabaptists could have been wrong but he should own up to his own
rejection of classical Two Kingdoms theology.
Perhaps Dillon lays his Kingdom cards on the table when he urges readers of his review to consult the works of Abraham Kuyper and Klass Schilder. Never mind that Kuyper's followers deposed Schilder from church office while he was hiding from the occupying Germans during WWII, Dillon conflates both men into the neo-Kuyperian "one Kingdom" theology that runs counter to both classical Two Kingdoms and R2K.
In any event, I commend Littlejohn's book to the attention of my readers. It's good to see that what evangelical (and especially Reformed) Christians take for granted in terms of Church-State relations today differs markedly from what their tradition originally taught.
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