09 September 2009

Waiting for Justice in Pakistan

Several weeks ago, I first commented on the news that Muslim extremists killed at least eight Christians in Gojra, Pakistan: http://pryorthoughts.blogspot.com/2009/08/with-allies-like-this.html.   At least 100 homes were burned.   You can find a short video, which is simultaneously maudlin and graphic, at http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xa45t4_in-memory-of-the-christians-killed_news.

The official inquiry into the riots that killed concluded on Sunday, 6 September.  The news release reports that statements were taken from 580 witnesses.  The report has not been released as far as I can determine.  To date, Pakistani authorities have arrested and detained only a few.

The Government of Pakistan designated 12 August as “Minority Day.”  Even then, I commented that I expected that little would be done: http://pryorthoughts.blogspot.com/2009/08/minority-day.html   I’m neither a prophet nor the son of a prophet but so far events have borne out my suspicion that Pakistan would do next to nothing to bring justice to the Christian community of Gojra.  In fact, local organizations report that the government has arrested Christians to induce them not to continue to press for action against the leaders of the attacks and that attacks and kidnappings of Christians have continued without serious police action.  As someone has commented, “There is no justice for minorities in Pakistan because it has a blind law, blind judges, and a blind head of state. “                  

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